
In this section, we’ll go through common terminologies that you’ll hear about or read in different references that are related to coffee preparation and brewing, you can think about it as a coffee dictionary for common words that you can hear from a barista when he’s asking you for how do you prefer your coffee or from a roastry when you’re selecting the beans that you wanna buy or even when you read an article on the internet about coffee.


Aroma is the combination of the taste, smell and the roasting impact on a coffee bean with reference to its origin and bean type and many more. Infact, its the combination of all of those key previous aspects that identifies a coffee bean from another.

Coffee-to-Water Ratio

This is a key important aspect that balances your coffee cup and makes you get the taste that fits you, it simply describes how many grams of coffee you will use versus how many milliliters of water you’re adding.


Blooming is the process of bubbling up of CO2 from your coffee when you start your pour-over coffee preparation, its a key part of the pour-over process as it helps improving the taste of your coffee by getting rid of the carbon-dioxide that can cause a disruption for the clear taste that you want to reach in your coffee cup.